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Last Updated: 2023/04/11 | Money

Have you changed how you have been paying your subscriptions as yet?

So, did you know that for Multichoice, you can Pay DStv Online Using Capitec with your Capitec Bank App or by login into your banking profile.

Pay DStv Online Using Capitec

Pay Dstv online using Capitec Banking App

  1. Step: Open your Capitec Bank app
  2. Step: Transact
  3. Step: Payments
  4. Step: Sign in with your secret Remote PIN
  5. Step: Click on the hamburger menu icon in the top right hand corner
  6. Step: Select “Capitec-registered” beneficiary
  7. Step: Search for “DStv” or “Multichoice”
  8. Step: Choose the correct amount – either Box Office DStv or Multichoice DStv
  9. Step: Enter your DStv account number
  10. Step: Enter the amount you want to pay
  11. Step: Click Yes to confirm you want to pay the amount shown
  12. Step: Enter your secret remote pin to confirm.

Now, if you are still stuck in the past, find out with Finehelp why you need to start paying bills online, including simple subscriptions like DStv.

Everyone despises paying expenses, but it is unavoidable.

Consider how much more daunting it was for our parents many years ago to queue at the bank or a bill paying centre.

So count yourself fortunate to live in the modern era, where almost anything, including bill paying, can be completed digitally.

With an internet connection, you can pay bills online from anywhere and at any time.

No more late payments or missing deadlines, simply pay DStv online using Capitec.

Using a mobile wallet or mobile app, you can pay bills online, including electricity, credit card expenses, government fines, tuition, loans, and insurance premiums.

Paying bills online has many benefits.

Banking and other financial transfers can be done online via encrypted websites or smartphone applications.

Paying bills digitally eliminates the inconvenience of needing to abandon a convenient location only to get anything finished.

There is no need to commute.

You save time, electricity, and money on transportation since your bank is accessible from your mobile or laptop.

And if payment centres are just a few miles away, paying bills online eliminates the need to leave the house for something as easy as paying bills.

Even with subscriptions, you can simply pay DStv online using Capitec banking app without having to drive to the bank or get to the nearest money market till.

There will be no tellers.

Long queues at banks or payment centres will take an eternity, but you end up spending the majority of your day only paying your bills.

By billing directly to the service providers, going through the transaction digitally cuts out the middleman.

Access to the whole world.

Pay DStv online using Capitec because uour bills are accessible from everywhere.

Paying your bills and accessing your account can be simple with a reliable link.

You can pay your bills from anywhere in the world if your link and device are safe.

This also includes how you DStv online using Capitec banking app, you can settle your subscription bill anywhere, anytime.

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